Tecniplast was founded in 1949 as a Company specialized in manufacturing moulds for plastic materials and in moulding technical items for lightening engineering industries and household appliances, as well as for the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.
Today Tecniplast is a Company in continuous growth, with a team of 130 people working in a covered surface of over 10,000 sqm.
The success and growth of Tecniplast are based on an efficient, effective, versatile and highly skilled team, able to understand customers’ requirements and expectations.
Via I Maggio, 6 - 21020 BUGUGGIATE (VA) Italy
C.F. e P.IVA 00211030127 - Capitale Sociale € 4.320.000,00 i.v.
Registro Imprese di Varese n. 00211030127 - REA n. 49171